Welcome to the B7 Homepage!

A WIP project that aims to ease/automatically perform instruction counting by running programs with various input under multiple harnesses like perf or Dynamorio.

Gitlab Page: https://gitlab.com/tiecoon/B7

Github Page: https://github.com/tiecoon/b7

RCOS Observatory Page: https://rcos.io/projects/tiecoon/b7/profile


Currently only installs on linux systems due to perf not yet being separated.

To install run:

  1. git submodule init
  2. git submodule update
  3. cargo install --path .
Requirements: Testing:

To run multiple tests at the same time pass "-- --test-threads=1" to cargo test.


Currently there is no hosted documentation but you can get local docs with:


To get involved in the project, read the Contribution Guidelines.


To be kept up to date on the project and communicate with the developers, the B7 blog is here.

Code of Conduct:

Please abide by the B7 Code of Conduct when contributing to the project and interacting with the community.